Our Mission

The ApplyAI empowers you to stand out in crowded markets through personalized guidance. Our mission is to level the playing field by changing the way applicants see and talk about themselves, and in turn, to revolutionize the job application process.

Our Vision

The ApplyAI envisions a future where every individual has the opportunity to shine based on merit and potential. We strive to be the opportunity engine that transforms the job search into fair, inclusive, and forward-thinking experiences - creating a world where excellence is seen, celebrated, and well-compensated.

Real people building a real solution

You'll find a lot of AI job tools out there.
We'll bet none of them have a founder story like ours.
That's why our product is totally different.

Our Story

Almost a decade ago, Vrijen Attawar and Logan Currie were coworkers on a rooftop in Singapore bonding over beers and a shared passion for helping others tell their story. They then founded and sold a company together before parting ways. Through the years, they’d reconnect every few months - often when one was about to take a big risk or leap - to strategize and hype each other up.

In late 2022 they were both considering career shifts and each jumped into storytelling mode to help the other frame their pivot - even as they started building out an idea for a platform that would help others do just that.

Co-founder and CEO
Vrijen Attawar

Vrijen quit McKinsey for The ApplyAI (next level commitment). He has worked in management consulting, professional comms, admissions and career coaching, and is fundamentally phenomenal at helping others problem-solve. He holds an MBA from Cornell Johnson, and a BA in Economics from Emory University.

Co-Founder and COO
Logan Currie

Logan has lived, worked, and studied in 3 languages in 5 countries. She has helped people figure out how to storytell across college applications, resumes, and more for 15 years, and has also worked in business development, marketing, edtech, and education leadership. Logan holds a BA from Penn, and is a part-time EdM student at Harvard studying learning design, innovation and technology.

Chief Product Officer
Ilse Funkhouser

Ilse has over a decade of experience working at, consulting for, and founding, early stage startups. She brings behavioral psychology, and, more recently, Machine Learning and AI, to the table to make products that uplift humans, rather than replace them. Data-driven only when convenient, she doesn't shy away from exploring hunches. Ilse holds a BA from Northwestern University and a Masters in Data Science from University of Wisconsin.

Software Engineer
Serhii Bilyk

Serhii has worked as a police captain and a software engineer. He enjoys the latter more. Serhii is meticulous in his code, and enjoys problem solving front-end conundrums. He will tell it to you exactly how he sees it.

Senior Front End Developer
Daniel Williams

Danny is a seasoned mobile and web developer and an open source maintainer. He's worked across the tech stack from starting as a dev-ops developer to now specialising in frontend development and design systems. He also maintains multiple Storybook packages for React Native and other community packages.

Lead Software Mechanic
Daniel Brady

Daniel goes by ‘Brady’ around here, and was adopted into the team after pinch-hitting for us when we were short-staffed the week before our MVP launched. He’s a self-described ‘maintenance guy’ with a few university degrees and 10 years of experience making digital systems suck less.

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